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Winter Apprenticeship

MW95 - International Human Resource Management

We last offered the master's module "MW95 - International Human Resource Management" in the winter semester 2022/23. In the first course, the focus was on conveying basic thematic and methodological knowledge, which was supplemented by guest lectures. In the second course, our students carried out their own empirical project, which meant that the module could also be used as preparation for an empirical master's thesis.

The students particularly liked the personal support inside and outside the course, as well as the comprehensible communication of the complex content through a good structure of the learning content. Last but not least, gamification elements led to a lively exchange during the hybrid classroom sessions and encouraged active participation. The integration of SPSS into practice-oriented content was also perceived as particularly positive. The guest lectures offered were found to be enriching and exciting.

We are pleased and thankful for the positive teaching evaluation of this module - see you next semester!

Module Description

The master module deals with the characteristics of international human resource management as well as the fields of activity and instruments of strategic human resource management in an international context. It also serves as preparation for an empirical master's thesis, as is currently expected in almost every major.  After you have been taught about international human resource management in course 1, you will conduct your own empirical project in group work in course 2 based on what you have learned.

Module Objectives:

  • Apply and extend knowledge from the areas of international human resource management and the influence of culture and/or institutions.
  • To independently work on, explain, structure and evaluate a scientific topic in a limited amount of time.
  • Gain deeper insight into the fundamentals and processes of empirical management research.
  • Gain basic knowledge of the statistical program SPSS.

Important note on registration:

Basically, only Master students with the new PO2020 can take this module and book it into their course of study or major with the specified ECTS.
Master students who studied according to an older PO may take the module, but they can only book it as a voluntary additional module without ECTS in their course of studies. Upon request, this additional module can then be entered on their transcript.

Prerequisites for participation:

Admission to the master's programs "Business Administration", "Economics" or "Art Education and Cultural Management" .

Focus assignment:

Following changes to the examination regulations as of October 2021, the examination achievements in MW95 also count towards the concentrations Human Resource Management and Corporate Management.

Evaluation International Human Resources Management Winter Apprenticeship 2022/23

MQ module Digital Management in Enterprises

In the winter semester 2022/23, the junior professorship offers the MQ module "Digital Management in Companies".

The MQ module deals with the development and answering of a scientific question from the field of digital management in companies. You will learn to develop a research question, to design a questionnaire, to collect data and to evaluate and assess these data using SPSS.

Depending on the topic, the examination performance can be assigned to the focal points HRM and corporate management. 

For detailed information about the courses (dates, rooms, etc.), please refer to the course catalog (HIS LSF).

In addition, registration in the HIS LSF is usually mandatory for all courses! Please be sure to observe the registration deadlines!

All course-related materials are available for all course participants in the ILIAS portal of the University of Düsseldorf after timely registration before the start of the event!

BB06 Heine-Business-Projekt

In WS 2022/23, the Heine Business Project (individual appointments) will start.

Further information on content, participation and registration will follow.