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Welcome, Agnes Weitkowitz!

We welcome our new secretary Ms. Agnes Weitkowitz, who will support us from February 2023. Besides working for the professorship of Business Administration, esp. Digital Management & Digital Work, she will also assist Prof. Dr. Maniora at her professorship of Business Administration, esp. Financial Accounting. We wish her a successful start and are happy to welcome her to our team.

New publication in the European Management Review

We are pleased to announce the publication of "Employee reactions to leader emotional display strategies in a crisis situation" in the European Management Review by Lynn Schmodde and Prof. Dr. Marius Wehner. The study investigates whether leaders who experience anxiety in a crisis should reveal or regulate their emotions.

In an experimental vignette study, employees' responses to two different emotion regulation strategies (Deep Acting & Surface Acting) were compared to showing genuine emotions (i.e., fear). Results indicate that leaders who experience fear may consider showing these genuine emotions during a crisis rather than using potentially inauthentic emotion regulation strategies.

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New publication in the International Journal of Selection and Assessment

We are pleased to announce the publication "Better explaining the benefits why AI? Analyzing the impact of explaining the benefits of AI-supported selection on applicant responses" in the International Journal of Selection and Assessment by Dr. Alina Köchling and Prof. Dr. Marius Wehner. The study investigates how applicant responses to AI-supported selection processes change. The results show that the use of AI without information and with written information reduces perceived fairness and perceptions of likability and increases emotional discomfort. Perceived fairness, perceptions of likability, and emotional discomfort, in turn, mediate the relationship between an AI-assisted selection process, company attractiveness, and intention to pursue the selection process. Furthermore, the results did not differ between applicants to whom the benefits of AI-assisted selection processes were explained via video and those who participated in a purely human selection process.

Click here to go directly to the publication.

Prof. Dr. Marius Wehner appointed

On November 29, Prof. Dr. Marius Wehner received his certificate of appointment as W2 Professor of Business Administration, in particular Digital Management & Digital Work, from the hands of Rector Prof. Dr. Anja Steinbeck, thus replacing the Junior Professorship of Business Administration, in particular Corporate Management.

Professor Wehner and his team dedicate their research and teaching to the problem-oriented issues of increasing digitalization, the use of algorithms and artificial intelligence, and the associated ethical implications and effects on the various actors and institutions of a modern and digitalized world of work. In particular, the focus is on knowledge transfer and the teaching and promotion of methodological skills in order to make scientifically sound and empirical contributions to current research, university teaching and entrepreneurial practice. Currently, the projects focus on the use of digital technologies (data science, business analytics, machine learning) in companies and digital work (digital leadership and collaboration).