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Summer Apprenticeship

MW94 - People Analytics

In the context of the summer semester 2023, the module "MW94- People Analytics" will be offered again.  Further information can be found here. We offered the master module "MW94-People Analytics" among others in the summer semester 2021.

The first course focused on teaching various aspects of People Analytics in the HR context. After the course, our students were able to present challenges in collecting data and cause-effect relationships in the context of people analytics in organizations. This included the derivation of management and HR measures, as well as the adaptation to company-specific characteristics.

The second course taught basic methodological knowledge, equipping our students with the necessary tools to conduct their own empirical project during the course.

In our teaching evaluation, the combination of current HR topics and methodological knowledge was particularly highlighted as positive, through which students were able to apply what they had learned in their own studies. The mix of synchronous and asynchronous sessions allowed us to provide flexible and individualized attention during the semester. Additionally, with e-tests and kahoots, our students were able to apply and reinforce the knowledge they had learned.

We are pleased and thankful for the positive teaching evaluation of this module - with overall course assessment mean scores of 1.3 for course 1 and 1.2 for course 2. See you next semester!

Evaluation People Analytics Summer Apprenticeship 2021

Module Description

The master module People Analytics (8 ECTS) deals with the contents, methods and analysis procedures in the context of people analytics and empirical management research in companies.

Course 1: Fundamentals and Theory of People Analytics

  • Basics of People Analytics
  • Scientific theoretical basics: From theory to hypothesis
  • Concept specification and operationalization
  • Forms of investigation and research designs
  • Data collection techniques (survey methods, "Big Data")
  • Data preparation and data analysis (factor analysis, regressions)
  • Trends and topics in people analytics

Course 2: Application-oriented seminar on people analytics

  • Introduction to the use of a statistical software package (e.g. SPSS)
  • Application-oriented case studies from the field of people analytics
  • (e.g. diversity, fluctuation, recruitment/selection, influence of interventions)
  • Application of the content from course 1 and 2 to individual company data sets on specific issues of people analytics
  • Carrying out your own empirical project in group work on the basis of the knowledge imparted, current research literature and the data sets provided (or other data sets)


Learning Objectives and Competencies:

Upon completion of the module, students will be able to

  • Present the challenges of data collection and cause-effect relationships in the context of people analytics in organizations;
  • explain and critically discuss different aspects of people analytics and causal relationships;
  • assess and explain the increasing importance of people analytics and empirical methods in business practice ("evidence-based practice" principle);
  • analyze and explain critical developments in management and human resources and forecast future events and developments in the people management of companies;
  • adapt and design management and human resources measures to company-specific characteristics using people analytics.
  • In addition, the design of course 2 is suitable for integrating the knowledge acquired in course 1 in a group work that promotes social competencies (e.g. conflict resolution skills, assumption of responsibility, assertiveness) as well as individual methodological competence and contributes to the acquisition or expansion of presentation techniques.

Examination performance:

A miscellaneous examination performance is planned as project work in group work.

Depending on the topic, the examination performance can be assigned to the focal points HRM and corporate management.

Participation requirements:

Admission to the Master's programs "Business Administration", "Economics" . Specialized knowledge of economics is assumed. For course 2, participants are also recommended to have basic knowledge of descriptive statistics. Knowledge of a statistical software program (e.g. SPSS) is not necessary.

Important note on registration:

Basically, only master students with the new PO2020 can take this module and book it into their course of study or major with the specified ECTS.
Master's students who studied according to an older PO may take the module, but they can only book the module as a voluntary additional module without ECTS in the course of study. Upon request, this additional module can then be entered on their certificate.

The number of participants is limited to a maximum of 25. 

Detailed information about the courses (dates, rooms, etc.) can be found in the course catalog (HIS-LSF).

In addition, registration in the HIS-LSF is generally mandatory for all courses! Please be sure to observe the registration deadlines!

All course-related materials are available for all course participants in the ILIAS-portal of the University of Düsseldorf after timely registration before the start of the event!

Following changes to the examination regulations as of October 2021, the examinations taken in MW94 and the MQ module will also count towards the Human Resource Management and Corporate Management concentrations.

For detailed information about the events (dates, rooms, etc.), please refer to the course catalog (HIS LSF).

In addition, registration in the HIS LSF is generally mandatory for all courses! Please be sure to observe the registration deadlines!

All course-related materials are available for all course participants in the ILIAS-portal of the University of Düsseldorf after timely registration before the start of the course!

Project Work

In addition, we offer an MQ-module and a BQ-module in the summer.